
About us

  • Prague
  • Bratislava

Po - Pá: 9:00 - 17:00
+420 257 224 099


Po - Pá: 9:00 - 17:00
+420 773 872 941


IMPER CZ, s.r.o. (IČ: 28547888)
Factory Office Center
Nádražní 762/32, 150 00 Praha 5


Where can you find us?
Metro or tram station Smíchovské nádraží.


Po - Pá: 9:00 - 17:00
+421 903 693 480


Po - Pá: 9:00 - 17:00
+421 905 790 817


Imper (IČ: 28547888)
Konventná 6
Bratislava, 81103


We help find, obtain and maintain
B2B clients using smart data.

“Smart data” are not static databases, but rather live collections of information that tell you who your customer is and which help you find new ones. They can help you find out who has been interested in your products or services — even who needs your services right now or is going to need them in the future. They allow you to track what attracts new customers and what does not.



We are a team of more than 40 people and we are looking for new colleagues for several positions. We provide companies with quality data that help them grow. Data are a new trend. We are local leaders in this area and we strive to be global leaders as well. If that is something you want to be a part of, join us.


We support

We like to support startups, interesting projects and non-profits. If you are interested in working together, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Transparency International is a NGO whose mission is to map corruption in the Czech Republic and help prevent it in the process. They have worked to stop corruption since 1998.

More about Transparency International.

Zlatý středník is a Czech-Slovak professional competition that assesses corporate internal and external media and best communication projects in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


More about Zlatý středník.

Superbrands is the most recognized independent global authority on business brand evaluation and assessment. Attaining Superbrands status signifies prestige and the recognition of a brand’s superior position in a local market. The Superbrands seal is awarded to brands with an outstanding reputation – customers associate them with great value and they have a personal relationship with them.

More about Superbrands.

The Zlatá koruna award has been given to the best financial products on the Czech market since 2003. The competing products are sorted into 18 categories. Eleven categories are reserved for consumer financial tools, four for small and medium businesses. A special category for new trends is called Best New Product of the Year.

More about the competition.

The Tajemství obchodu conference is unique in the Czech Republic with its range of topics, exclusive speakers and number of attendees. In one day, you can hear the most successful businesspeople speak on one stage. You can listen to their opinions and experiences in panel discussions, where they will answer your questions. You will get to try practical skills during workshops. You will expand your network during networking.
More about the conference.


Media presence

How and where to find the “right” leads

We all want to have an extensive database of leads from the get go — and even better. What if new business came rushing our way and we as businesspeople needed only to respond to them?

David Janeček, Business Animals

Customer data are a treasure.

If you can keep them up-to-date, that is. You need to have either outstanding relationships with your customers or the most recent technology.

Tomáš Berger, iHned

Here are Some Companies Who Unmask Anonymous Web Visitors

Why would a company pay good money, even thousands of dollars a month, to try to identify visitors who do not volunteer any personal information when visiting their web site? And who are these companies anyway?

Adam Tanner,

Most companies choose to start operating in January

…when there is an 11 percent increase in new companies. On the other end of the spectrum, there is the summer and December, which are influenced by the summer and Christmas holidays as well as year-end activities. The majority of newly-founded companies…

tba, BLESK

Business bank accounts are dominated by large banks, with Komerční banka at the head.

Companies entrust their business bank accounts predominantly to big banks. This can be seen in the most recent data from the biggest online Czech company database

Miloš Nový, Bankovní poplatky

Convert your web visitors to leads

Those who do business without modern tools and data analysis are wasting a great opportunity. That’s one way to summarize the approach of the so-called “next-generation business,” which is based on utilizing and interconnecting large amounts of data about potential new clients as well as existing ones.

Jan Novotný, E15